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Big Numbers

MicahJunfir couldn't decide whether to come or go and joined #wanderingwoman 57 times during this reporting period...
Teserra really wanted others to know what was doing - 15 descriptions altogether.
 [06:56] * Teserra waits for it to load
Teserra was generous with their oppings - 7 in total on #wanderingwoman.

Friends in #wanderingwoman

People who like talking to each other

1 NaerisVelaris
2 SunriTeserra
3 MiridythNaeris
4 SelaTeserra
5 MiridythVelaris
6 SelaSunri
7 KiraineNaeris
8 KiraineVelaris
9 SunriTian
10 TeserraalCary

Activity distribution

7/2005 - 9/2005

Lines per day Number of days
1 (1,6%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
1 (1,6%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
2 (3,2%)
2 (3,2%)
0 (0%)
5 (7,9%)
5 (7,9%)
27 (43%)
20 (32%)

Popular words in #wanderingwoman:

Count Word Last used by At
16 "because" Miridyth 30.8 3:34
14 "something" Miridyth 30.8 3:57
10 "remember" Velaris 30.8 4:00
9 "burgundy" Sela 12.8 8:23
9 "september" Naeris 18.8 21:41
9 "thought" alCary 30.8 10:40
8 "someone" Teserra 30.8 10:40
8 "getting" gaspard 30.8 4:19
8 "actually" Miridyth 30.8 3:56
8 "everyone" Velaris 22.8 21:17

These pairs have a language all to themselves
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample(amount)
4 Naeris and Miridyth "Holland"(7), "snuggle"(3), "english"(3), "netherlands"(3)
4 Naeris and Velaris "weekend"(4), "October"(3), "september"(9), "drinking"(4)
3 Teserra and Sunri "MAGENTA"(3), "company"(3), "teacher"(3)
2 Teserra and Naeris "already"(5), "anything"(4)

URL Tracking

20 latest URLs from #wanderingwoman

At URL Nick
17.8 7:55http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v467/tiannvidia/CO%20Parties/IMG_0636.jpgSunri
21.7 9:52tv.netSela
20.7 1:06ftp://ftp.address.com/:user:passMoah
22.7.2004 6:24http://www.livejournal.com/users/robin_d_laws/29229.htmlMoah|NPA
16.7.2004 6:29http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?t=133489&page=32&pp=10Moah|NPA
15.7.2004 8:10RPG.NETMoah|NPA
7.7.2004 8:54http://www.bash.org/?350962Moah|Naked
 First mentioned by Moah on 8.6.2004 7:17. Used 11 times.
2.7.2004 7:05http://atrocities.primaryerror.net/fatal.htmlMoah
30.6.2004 22:45http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscriptMoah|Naked
21.6.2004 8:45http://www.intellectualwhores.com/masterladder.htmlMoah|NPA
16.6.2004 6:33http://stuff.co.nz/stuff/0,2106,2938369a11,00.htmlTeserra
14.6.2004 14:15TarValon.net
 First mentioned by Arien on 13.6.2004 1:02. Used 3 times.

36 unique URLs collected since 6.6.2004

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