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Big Numbers

karassa_sedai popped in and out all the time, joining #oldewarderandhen 54 times during this reporting period...
Lireina liked showing off, giving 176 self-descriptions.
 [03:47] * Lireina has never gone
The loudest one was Cataia with yell percentage of 19%!

Melisande_ followed closely with 16% yells!

Neol spoke the most monologues - wrote over 5 lines in a row 10 times...

Jenarra also chatted to himself 8 times.

#oldewarderandhen's multiple-personality disorder sufferers (still haven't found the best one, MicahJunfir...)
MicahJunfir7 Nicks MicahJunfir(99%), MicahGaidin(0,5%), Micah|LJ(0,0%), Micah|Cleaning(0,0%), Micah|cooking(0,0%), Micah|hot_and_wet(0,0%), MicahJen(0,0%)
karassa_sedai6 Nicks karassa_sedai(100%), kara|away(0,0%), kara|meeting(0,0%), kara|dinner(0,0%), kara|lunch(0,0%), karassasou(0,0%)
Kariada4 Nicks Kariada(99%), Kari|paper(0,8%), Kari|GermanSchtuf(0,0%), Kari|brb(0,0%)
Neol4 Nicks Neol(99%), Neol_writing(0,3%), NEol_phone(0,0%), Neol_brb(0,0%)
Melisande_4 Nicks Melisande_(100%), Melis|phone(0,0%), Melis|brb(0,0%), Melis|kids(0,0%)

Chat partners

People who like talking to each other

1 DJMJLireina
2 NeolLireina
3 NeolDJMJ
4 JenarraLireina
5 JenarraNeol
6 JenarraDJMJ
7 MicahJunfirNeol
8 AllinNeol
9 LireinaMelisande_
10 JenarraMicahJunfir

Activity distribution

6/2004 - 5/2005

Lines per day Number of days
1 (0,3%)
0 (0%)
5 (1,5%)
3 (0,9%)
6 (1,8%)
11 (3,3%)
18 (5,4%)
32 (9,6%)
26 (7,8%)
28 (8,4%)
116 (35%)
88 (26%)

People in #oldewarderandhen seem to like these words...

Count Word Last used by At
51 "something" Neol 28.4 6:38
40 "thought" Neol 28.4 6:38
39 "playlist" Allin 28.4 5:12
35 "request" MicahJunfir 28.4 5:04
23 "tonight" MicahJunfir 28.4 6:41
22 "playing" Allin 28.4 5:31
21 "everyone" Neol 28.4 5:20
21 "working" MicahJunfir 28.4 4:35
21 "getting" Jenarra 28.4 4:43
21 "actually" Allin 28.4 6:48

Frequently mentioned nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
115 "Oddey" Jeffan 16.4 13:02
43 "Neol" MicahJunfir 28.4 6:51
32 "Allin" Neol 28.4 6:52
21 "Jenarra" TDO_ 28.4 4:25
21 "Lireina" Allin 28.4 6:40

These people have a distinctive choice of words...
Count Nick Randomly selected sample(amount)
8 Kelin "Warrior"(7), "society"(6), "legends"(6), "Salidar"(4), "Amyrlin"(3), "Trollocs"(3), ...
4 Neol "atleast"(5), "Muhahaha"(3), "bohemian"(3), "Muhahahaha"(3)
3 Jenarra "dresser"(3), "bouncing"(3), "rebuffering"(3)
3 Mariasha "bwahaha"(5), "*grins*"(3), "hilarious"(3)
3 Lireina "*giggles"(3), "Dashboard"(3), "Confessional"(3)
2 MicahJunfir "eggdrop"(4), "database"(6)

These pairs like to talk in their own special language
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample(amount)
16 Kelin and Oddey "nynaeve"(4), "Madding"(4), "Valleys"(4), "Mesaana"(4), "Seanchan"(7), "farshaw"(3), ...
8 DJMJ and Jenarra "enjoyed"(4), "Columbia"(5), "shutting"(3), "caffiene"(3), "response"(3), "question"(3), ...
5 MicahJunfir and Jenarra "comment"(4), "cabinet"(3), "uploaded"(3), "happening"(3), "available"(3)
4 MicahJunfir and DJMJ "Magenta"(3), "language"(4), "Wednesday"(3), "certainly"(3)
3 DJ|Da` and Da` "Da`show"(10), "shoutout"(10), "Broadcasting"(10)
3 Neol and MicahJunfir "careful"(3), "Speaking"(3), "Unfortunately"(3)
2 Lireina and MicahJunfir "servers"(4), "Garbage"(4)
2 Neol and Allin "station"(4), "hearing"(4)
2 Kelin and Jeffan "Seekers"(4), "prophecy"(3)
2 Kelin and Roshen "present"(3), "struggle"(3)

#oldewarderandhen's cool guys

  Nick Number of Lines Sample Quote
1 Melisande_  6 "thats pretty cool, Da`"
2 DJMJ  6 "cool"
3 MicahJunfir  4 "coolness"
4 Neol  3 "cool"
5 Lireina  2 "Mel, Ranma is ubercool anime/manga series drawn by Rumiko Takahashi"
6 Kariada  2 "which was kinda the cool part :p"
7 Erised  2 "yeah everyone is really cool"

URL Tracking

20 latest URLs from #oldewarderandhen

At URL Nick
28.4 6:47www.travelocity.comMicahJunfir
27.4 16:49http://www.tigerband.org/Neol
25.4 16:35http://
22.4 23:46irc.tarvalon.netYenie|HTML
21.4 6:43http://www.livejournal.com/users/jenarra/Jenarra
14.4 18:48TV.net
 First mentioned by Jen|06 on 1.7.2004. Used 35 times.
7.4 4:24www.winamp.com
 First mentioned by DJLilli on 4.2 6:06. Used 4 times.
6.4 4:30http://www.darkjeedai.com/tarvalonradio/current.php
 First mentioned by Da` on 6.4 3:19. Used 10 times.
 First mentioned by Da`Bot on 2.6.2004. Used 440 times.
 First mentioned by Da` on 14.7.2004. Used 324 times.
5.4 2:20TarValon.net
Used 23 times.
2.4 5:39http://www.tarvalon.net/whoswho.asp?id=614
 First mentioned by Neol on 2.4 4:36.
1.4 5:17Prayer.mpMelisande_

Most popular URLs
  URL Count First used by
1http://wtvn.no-ip.com:8000/listen.pls 440Da`Bot2.6.2004 4:56
2http://www.darkjeedai.com/tarvalonradio/Dashow/D... 324Da`14.7.2004 3:46
3http://wtvn.redirectme.net:8000/listen.pls 111Damar|testing4.2 19:53
4http://www.geocities.com/lillymdm/ 106Da`10.1 3:59
5http://www.geocities.com/tdraavs/other_stuff/radiop... 59Damar8.2 4:14
6http://www.geocities.com/tdraavs/other_stuff/playlis... 55Damar|testing4.2 19:43
7http://www.globalarray.net/user/darkjeedai/DasPlay... 42Da`9.6.2004 3:46
8TV.net 35Jen|061.7.2004 5:52
9http://www.geocities.com/elvensteel@sbcglobal.net... 31An1.3 4:59
10TarValon.net 23-3.6.2004 5:07
11http://wtvn.bounceme.net:8000/listen.pls 19DJLilli4.2 5:05
12http://www.astuteart.net/neisa/scramble.html 14Shyana9.1 22:06
13http://www.darkjeedai.com/tarvalonradio/current.php 10Da`6.4 3:19
14http://www.winamp.com 10DJ|Da`16.7.2004 3:46
15www.my.calendars.net/tarvalonevents 7Kariada11.1 4:00
16http://wtvn.redirectme.ne:8000/listen.pls 5Damar|testing4.2 19:43
17http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v83/atanevalthon... 5Atane26.9.2004 20:25
18http://wtvn.zapto.org:8000/listen.pls 4An4.2 23:20
19www.winamp.com 4DJLilli4.2 6:06
20http://www.jaithirtha.net/jen/whitenightsrules.html 4saera16.1 22:35

20 random URLs
At URL First used by
12.3 2:20http://www.tarvalon.net/party_pic.asp?pic=106&party=16karassa_sedai
12.3 1:39http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v509/Camden24/StLouis/LexNeol.jpgNeol
4.2 19:53http://wtvn.redirectme.net:8000/listen.pls
 Used 111 times.
31.1 6:45www.religioustolerance.orgKitan_Tataru
28.1 7:47http://www.geocaching.com/faq/MicahJunfir
28.1 7:08www.clairol.comKitan|Topless
16.1 22:35http://www.jaithirtha.net/jen/whitenightsrules.html
 Used 4 times.
13.1 6:05potty.HeAsha|04
30.12.2004 5:41http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v83/atanevalthon/sniper.jpg
 Used 2 times.
29.12.2004 5:58http://whitetowerdiv.org/ipw-web/gallery/albums/dcon04/costumes5.jpgDJ|Da`
29.12.2004 5:39http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/ChieflyWil/D%20Con%202004/DamonII.jpgPenryn
22.12.2004 5:45www.badgerbadgerbadger.comLysh
17.12.2004 5:44http://www.aalynorsnexus.org/community/gforum.cgi?do=loginAn_Thanoe
18.11.2004 6:05http://www.exzooberance.com/virtual%20zoo/they%20walk/prairie%20dog/Pra...Eni|07
30.10.2004 2:54http://www.allformp3.com/mp3_other/amc.htmDa`
28.10.2004 5:48http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v83/atanevalthon/280796389.jpgAtane|JALGC
26.9.2004 20:25http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v83/atanevalthon/golden-retrievers-01.jpg
 Used 5 times.
22.9.2004 4:17http://www.ctv.ca/idol/gen/Video.htmlSindra
22.8.2004 20:20http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v457/JALGC/OR04132.jpgAtane
26.7.2004 5:21http://www.quikfire.com/patiofire3.JPGJenarra

300 unique URLs collected since 2.6.2004

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