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Big Numbers

Lilli couldn't decide whether to come or go and joined #wheel 131 times during this reporting period...
The evil guard of #wheel was Derrin who got this reputation after kicking out 6 people.
 [13:43] <Daria-> bye
[20:32] * Daria-pmifneeded was kicked by Derrin (No Lurking Please)
Camden knew exactly what to say, mentioning "Kick" 42 times.
People in #wheel probably wish Valadilene had a "mute" button - as this individual shouted 43% of the time!

Also ear-splittingly loud: The_Satyrlin with 26% shouts!

RandalThor was #wheel's op-fairy, giving out 39 ops.

Sindra couldn't handle the responsibility and had to be deopped 4 times.
Sorcha forgot to turn off the CAPS-lock, writing 422 lines in CAPS.
 [01:40] <Sorcha> ANYWAYS
#wheel's multiple-personality disorder sufferers (still haven't found the best one, Ecarion...)
Ecarion44 Nicks Ecarion(93%), Ec|working(1,5%), Ec|breakfast(0,7%), Ecar(0,7%), Ec|bbiaw(0,7%), Ec|TWHE(0,4%), Ec^L2(0,4%), Ecarionn(0,4%), Ec|pirates(0,2%), Ec|brb(0,2%), Ec|MFM(0,1%), Ec|shower(0,1%), Ec|eating(0,1%), Ec|flees(0,1%), Ecarion|away(0,1%), Ec|showernsuch(0,1%), Ec|friend(0,1%), Ec|nap(0,1%), Ec|reading(0,0%), Ec|food(0,0%), Ec|phone(0,0%), Ec|rping(0,0%), Ec|store(0,0%), Ecarion|action(0...
RandalThor38 Nicks RandalThor(88%), Rand|coding(3,3%), Rand|errands(1,5%), Rand|xmas(1,2%), Rand|reading(1,2%), Rand|eating(0,9%), RandalThor_away(0,8%), Rand|distracted(0,6%), Rand|aberrate(0,5%), RAnd|dinner(0,2%), Rand|tntbdihraohc(0,2%), Rand|withAmi(0,2%), Rand|erudition(0,2%), Rand|RoTK(0,1%), Rand|movies(0,1%), Rand|afk(0,1%), Rand|foooding(0,0%), Rand|enervated(0,0%), Rand|torpid(0,0%), Rand|...
D`Ran37 Nicks D`Ran(58%), D`Ran|npa(14%), D`Ran|semi-here(4,7%), D`Ran_(3,9%), D`Ran|busy(2,7%), D`Ran|reading(2,0%), D`Ran|super|happy(1,5%), D`Ran|confused(1,3%), D`Ran|here(1,1%), D`Ran|cookie(1,0%), D`Ran|sad(1,0%), D`Rn(1,0%), D`Ran|need|candy(0,8%), D`Ran-semihere(0,8%), D`Ran|foraging(0,7%), D`Ran|ecstatic(0,6%), D`Ran|semihere(0,6%), D`Ran|School(0,6%), D`Ran_al`Fir(0,5%), D`Ran|doingsometh...
Dragonius34 Nicks Dragonius(83%), Dragonius|Cookies(3,7%), Dragonius|Wc3ing(3,1%), Dragonius|CPPing(2,8%), Dragonius|D2(1,7%), Dragonius|Metroid(0,7%), Dragonius|Class(0,6%), Dragonius|Shoppin(0,6%), Dragonius|Naruto(0,4%), Dragonius|cleanin(0,4%), Dragonius|Store(0,3%), Dragonius|Wc3(0,3%), Dragonius|02(0,3%), Dragonius|D2ing(0,3%), Dragonius|WoW(0,3%), Dragonius|Nachos(0,2%), Dragonius|Food(0,2%...
Ariana_34 Nicks Ariana_(89%), Ariana|semi-here(3,2%), Ariana_npa(2,6%), Ariana(1,3%), Ariana_brb(0,8%), Ariana|npa(0,5%), Ariana|away(0,5%), Ariana_away(0,5%), Aria-Kaileena(0,2%), Aria_scissors(0,2%), Ariana|semi-away(0,2%), Ariana|01(0,1%), Ariana_A(0,1%), Ariana_Aa(0,1%), Ariana_shower(0,1%), Ariana|brb(0,1%), Ariana_D(0,1%), Ariana_Aaey(0,0%), Ariana|bored(0,0%), Ariana_DAne(0,0%), Aria|foodfin...

Chat partners

People who like talking to each other

1 AnAriana_
2 D`RanAriana_
3 LilliPilloWil
4 AmiraRoywyn
5 CamdenRoywyn
6 AnRoywyn
7 Ariana_Camden
8 Ariana_Roywyn
9 Ariana_Sindra
10 SunriSindra

Activity distribution

2/2004 - 1/2005

Lines per day Number of days
3 (0,9%)
11 (3,3%)
21 (6,3%)
38 (11%)
67 (20%)
75 (22%)
57 (17%)
33 (9,9%)
6 (1,8%)
5 (1,5%)
1 (0,3%)
18 (5,4%)

People in #wheel seem to like these words...

Count Word Last used by At
1416 "everyone" Ariana_ 31.12.2004 23:37
1381 "something" MicahJunfir 31.12.2004 23:37
1071 "actually" Atane 31.12.2004 21:28
911 "thought" MicahJunfir 1.1 0:11
890 "Christmas" TheNamelessOne 31.12.2004 22:57
887 "because" Damar 31.12.2004 19:53
843 "someone" Jenarra 1.1 0:45
717 "getting" MicahJunfir 1.1 0:18
698 "remember" Roywyn 31.12.2004 19:39
629 "talking" Keisha_alBenn 31.12.2004 23:19

Frequently mentioned nicks:
Count Word Last used by At
27209 "The_Red_Menace" Jenarra 1.1 0:43
2087 "WilGaidin" Greggorian 31.12.2004 21:46
1306 "Roland" Sandriel 31.12.2004 23:31
1303 "Camden" saera 31.12.2004 11:20
1274 "Wynie" Sandriel 31.12.2004 23:27

These people have a distinctive choice of words...
Count Nick Randomly selected sample(amount)
37 An "favirote"(12), "dinners"(4), "shoring"(4), "candies"(4), "catfish"(3), "treatin"(3), ...
37 Ecarion "roughly"(5), "perverse"(8), "mineral"(3), "rampage"(3), "compress"(5), "*cackle*"(5), ...
34 MicahJunfir "enforce"(11), "fscking"(4), "soundly"(3), "reviews"(3), "motorola"(4), "assorted"(4), ...
33 Camden "angelic"(9), "outloud"(4), "floater"(4), "lowered"(3), "slowest"(3), "Wooooot"(3), ...
32 Roywyn "twinkie"(7), "crapola"(6), "rangers"(6), "scented"(4), "uuughhh"(3), "slobber"(3), ...
25 Sindra "*snort*"(16), "Matadam"(8), "infront"(6), "Fockers"(3), "parsley"(3), "riddlin"(3), ...
25 Ilissa "Ecarion*"(8), "rockets"(3), "nagging"(3), "Ukraine"(3), "noggies"(3), "whoswho"(3), ...
24 Mazarin "packers"(22), "villies"(6), "dolzhen"(4), "tschuss"(3), "otlichno"(5), "sleepish"(5), ...
23 Sunri "failing"(8), "tommorow"(10), "aquatic"(5), "gremlin"(5), "Coulter"(3), "heathen"(3), ...
22 Dragonius "whaddya"(3), "anywhos"(3), "bravery"(3), "dvd-rom"(3), "flashies"(3), "contrary"(3), ...

These pairs have a language all to themselves
Count Nicks Randomly selected sample(amount)
24 Ecarion and Ilissa "*smiles"(35), "*laughs*"(39), "poverty"(12), "Swedens"(4), "relaxed"(3), "equality"(5), ...
23 PilloWil and WilGaidin "Greggor"(8), "biscuits"(9), "dial-up"(8), "Canucks"(4), "writting"(7), "breakie"(3), ...
18 Roywyn and Camden "nutters"(9), "manners"(6), "tongued"(6), "manwhore"(9), "Eckerts"(5), "caramel"(5), ...
17 Roywyn and WyniePooh "damnitt"(13), "mazzypoo"(9), "espically"(12), "*CHEERS*"(8), "crayons"(4), "reddish"(3), ...
16 Ecarion and Camden "species"(5), "stamina"(4), "screamed"(7), "hardware"(7), "liscense"(6), "spandex"(3), ...
15 Sindra and Sunri "Frylock"(7), "innuendo"(9), "platypus"(8), "sanchez"(3), "verbally"(3), "MEGADETH"(3), ...
14 Lilli and PilloWil "blondes"(5), "Incident"(8), "Frankly"(4), "designed"(7), "forhead"(3), "slushie"(3), ...
14 An and Ecarion "economy"(16), "pentium"(6), "develop"(5), "defined"(5), "commonly"(5), "measured"(4), ...
13 Lilli and Ariana_ "WOOHOOO"(7), "hallway"(4), "squeaks"(4), "newbies"(4), "fooding"(3), "evilly*"(3), ...
12 Camden and PilloWil "spirits"(6), "mucking"(4), "fluffer"(3), "begining"(5), "guarding"(5), "commence"(4), ...

TOP 10 greeting people

  Nick Lines Written Sample Quote
1 D`Ran  250 "hi Lilly"
2 Ilissa  235 "hi again Lilli|theNovice :)"
3 Aryawnah  233 "Hi TNO :)"
4 Teserra  227 "hello naomi"
5 Atarah_Sedai  226 "hi An :)"
6 An  206 "Hi Giles, Ariana, Teserra"
7 Moah|NPA  187 "Hi Karassa Sedai, Ninya Sedai, Atane"
8 Amira  179 "hi Jasin, wb Moradi :)"
9 Ariana_  173 "hello out there, is ther something wrong with fudge!?!"
10 Sindra  91 "hi Priz"

URL Tracking

20 latest URLs from #wheel

At URL Nick
31.12.2004 23:28http://www.tarvalonforums.net/viewtopic.php?t=9921Sandriel
 First mentioned by MorganaLeFar on 1.4. Used 231 times.
 First mentioned by Aryawnah on 30.11.2004 1:50. Used 6 times.
 First mentioned by Aryawnah on 30.11.2004 1:48. Used 7 times.
 First mentioned by Jalen on 23.9. Used 12 times.
 First mentioned by Jalen on 3.11.2004 18:14. Used 12 times.
 First mentioned by WilGaidin on 18.12.2004 21:52.
 First mentioned by ValaShain on 30.12.2004 20:08. Used 3 times.

Most popular URLs
  URL Count First used by
1tv.net 231MorganaLeFar1.4.2004 2:09
2tarvalon.net 196Rylas5.4.2004 2:02
3bash.org 87Bale1.4.2004 7:28
4iuturna.sorcery.net 43Elan_Morin1.4.2004 10:38
5astral.hub.sorcery.net 39Moah|NPA17.6.2004 4:44
6dictionary.com 27Nelyo22.4.2004 13:04
7http://www.websmileys.com/sm/cartoon/508.gif 24The_Red_Menace27.11.2004 15:11
8www.puritytest.com 24Ecarion25.5.2004 13:50
9http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/longtooth25/detail?... 19Wil1.4.2004 5:03
10http://f1.pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/longtooth25/detail?... 19Aliandra1.4.2004 1:26
11www.tarvalonforums.net 18Adolla_Sedai3.7.2004 5:18
12http://www.tarvalonforums.net/ 15saera3.7.2004 0:42
13http://tarvalon.proboards6.com/index.cgi 15Kati7.4.2004 1:13
14amazon.com 15|Naomi|4.4.2004 6:33
15sandmashadar.com/forums 15Wil1.4.2004 4:30
16battle.net 14Dragonius18.11.2004 10:57
17sandmashadar.com 14Wil8.4.2004 23:30
18http://www.brownajah.com/pics/OfficerIan.jpg 12Jalen3.11.2004 18:14
19http://www.astuteart.net/kat/WOT/TNParty/Pictures/... 12Jalen23.9.2004 7:37
20www.redajah.net 12Yenie13.4.2004 23:45

20 random URLs
At URL First used by
31.12.2004 0:34www.ageoflegends.net/index.phpPilloWil
22.12.2004 4:59www.spanksunri.comCamden
27.11.2004 1:43http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v427/Sandmashadar/PICT0074.jpg
 Used 2 times.
16.11.2004 10:09http://www.tarvalonforums.net/viewtopic.php?t=7473&start=32VallahSedai
6.11.2004 16:38http://www.tarvalon.net/uploads/avatars/rl_Silena.jpgValaShain
30.10.2004 14:47http://www.tarvalon.net/whoswho.asp?search=gemelaMiri
29.9.2004 1:40http://www.astuteart.net/miara/Finland/Page/Graphics/Picture083.jpgDee_Bryan_or_Doc
17.9.2004 20:13http://uzi.ath.cx/files/post.jpgEcarion
7.9.2004 21:46http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v73/miriya/commercial.gifMiri
6.9.2004 13:20http://www.freepgs.com/mindistortion/games/bubbles.htm
 Used 2 times.
17.8.2004 9:32http://www10.overture.com/d/sr/?xargs=05u3hs9yoakEVvMSDDhRCK%2Fxun...Willis|Bruce
21.7.2004 23:36http://www.vegsoc.org/info/cheese.htmlToral
19.7.2004 19:57http://www.astuteart.net/avatar/male/M513.jpg
 Used 2 times.
3.7.2004 5:18www.tarvalonforums.net
 Used 18 times.
23.6.2004 10:43http://img26.photobucket.com/albums/v79/MazarinAshinar/Mark/Jun23043.jpgMazarin
14.6.2004 13:40http://web.archive.org/web/20030530115421/sandmashadar.com/Kati
3.6.2004 15:04http://img16.photobucket.com/albums/v47/Aryawnah/borngreen.jpg
 Used 3 times.
2.6.2004 7:09http://www.mellyn.net/~aq/avatars/ShyanaRL.jpgAquila
25.5.2004 21:32http://www.astuteart.net/aniparty/MOV00392.MPG
 Used 2 times.
16.5.2004 14:56http://thegreathall.org/miscgraphics/dcon03/104_0472.jpgYenie

5356 unique URLs collected since 1.4.2004

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